Monday, February 7, 2011

JANUARY 26, 2011

8 Months Later.....

It's been 8 months since I last posted....for a couple of reasons. 1, life happens. 2, having to blog was a constant reminder that NOTHING was happening. But I think I am now in a better place emotionally to be able to discuss everything we have been through.

My last post in May was about FINALLY receiving the long awaited letter from CPS notifying me of what documents we were missing and I said that the only thing we were waiting on was the FBI background check to come back. Well....THAT took FOREVER! CPS had entered in my brothers social wrong in to their system so when they got the background back it didn't match what they had in the system. I was happy that my brother had the common sense to notice his social was wrong when he went to go get his BG check so AT LEAST he didn't have to do it again. finally got all figured out around July or August.

Once that fiasco was solved we got scheduled for our homestudy. We had our homestudy in August on a Saturday. It lasted 4 HOURS. At the time, I wondered if I should prepare food because I had heard that they last 2-3 hours. So in the end I decided to buy a platter of sandwiches just in case. Either way - we would eat them :). LOL. It turned out that our homestudy contractor lives in our neighborhood - so I now must behave outside of my home in case she ever passes by ;). She was VERY nice and did not make me, my partner or my brother feel uncomfortable at all. I was very relieved about that. There were A LOT of questions asked, some were repetitive but always very detailed. She first interviewed us all together, and then interviewed us one on one, and then we got all together again for final notes and questions.

The homestudy contractor has 30 days to submit the homestudy back to CPS. Which if I'm correct it was right at 30 days when we heard back. We got an email from the supervisor at CPS introducing our new adoption caseworker to us - via email (she copied our newly appointed caseworker). My caseworker then made an appointment to come to my home so that she could inspect the home (FOR THE GAZILLIONTH TIME) and then she presented us with our adoption license. We are licensed for up to 2 children, ages infant to 8 years old. We got licensed the 3rd week of September. :)

Since September.....not much has happened. We have inquired on a few children, but have not been chosen by their caseworkers or we decided their needs were greater than we could handle. It was the end of the year so CPS wasn't having many meetings or functions if at all. Around holiday time I was pretty down because in MY HEAD, I felt like I had started the process since December of 2008 which is when we went to our first introductory class. So I felt like it's been a year since we started. But in CPS's eyes, we BARELY got licensed in September. Blah to that I say! LOL.

When you think of the big picture, it really did not take long for us to get licensed. We started the PRIDE classes in March and we were licensed in September of the same year. I'm not saying this is ideal for everyone, but I'm a bit inpatient so I made sure to complete everything before our PRIDE classes were done.

Now that it's the new year....there have been more broadcasts that our caseworker has presented us, and we are getting invited to events that are happening through out the year. In fact...we participated in our first match meeting last Friday 01/21/2011. I will blog about that experience in the next post.

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