During our last quartely visit which was in February, we requested a change to our license to include Legal Risk adoption. On Tuesday March 1st we heard back from our caseworker and were told that we were approved for the change! FINALLY something is going our way :). We were then told by our CW that she would need to come do another home visit and we scheduled her in for the 8th. She answered all of our questions and reminded us that Legal Risk is kind of like fostering so we would need to EACH keep up with 20 hours of educational classes. She also mentioned that "regular" couples do not have to EACH take 20 hours, they can combine their hours. Well....isn't that just lovely?
Onwards and upwards! Must stay on a positive path! So we got through the visit and everything went perfectly of course ;) and we already have a class crossed off our list. Only 16 more hours to go....EACH. OH! I also found out that if we need a babysitter we would need our "future babysitters" to be cpr certified and have a background check done on them. So I've been sending out background forms to future aunts, uncles and grandparents galore!
We received a broadcast today on a one year old baby. We decided to send his caseworker our homestudy.....and I am just now realizing we haven't sent in our homestudy for any children in a while.
This weekend we are taking care of 3 children for 3 nights, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. FUN TIMES! We are really excited to be able to spend time with these kiddos and show them a fun fun fun time! We are supposed to have play dates with my sis n laws and their kids. I hope to tire them out so that they can fall in to a deep slumber during the night hours ---> so that I can get some rest.
Hopefully I'll get our new license emailed to me soon so that we can see if we see a difference in broadcasts. I've started to feel an overwhelming nesting feeling. I even worked on my lawn, which is unheard of. A little blood sweat and tears never hurt anyone.....right?
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