Monday, February 7, 2011

MAY 7, 2010

Got the Letter!

We received the letter first by email on Tuesday 5/4 then by certified mail on Thursday 5/6. I just had a few minor items missing which I turned in on Thursday morning. One thing I think is important to bring up in case anyone out there takes a CPR class for adoption is that you need to make sure you that CPR cards or a certificate letter says that you were certified in Adult, Child and Infant CPR. Ours didn't say that, but thank God we had the instructor's contact info and she was nice enough to email me the very same night I requested the additional documents from her.

Now....all we are waiting on is background check results and then we get our appointment for our home study!! We are VERY excited.

In other news.....a couple of months ago, when we first started our PRIDE classes, I asked if it would be possible for the children I adopt to have my partner's last name instead of mine. It was always our plan to have our children have her name. I've never really been attached to my name and I know my relationship with my partners is the real deal (been together for 10 years). The caseworkers response was that it would be easier to change MY name legally so that my home study could be completed under my new name.

Soooooo, I looked for an attorney and was a wee bit nervous because of my "situation". I didn't want to be feeling uncomfortable in front of a big and powerful lawyer. Basically I didn't want to feel judged. Usually I am the care free type....well I ALWAYS am the care free type but I really do have some insecurities sometimes. When I met the attorney.....we was SUPAH nice!! He was totally understanding and "disgusted" <--(his words) that I had to go through the courts to change my last name and PAY $854 for attorneys fees, court fees and finger prints. YEAH. that's right. $854. Yeah he coulda been "selling" me....but who cares! It worked! LOL. I then filled out and signed a couple of papers, paid my fee and that was that.

Then on Monday 5/3....hmmmm A.D.D. kicking in.....(coincidence? I think not!) It also happened to be my 8 years and 1 month anniversary with my love! anywhooo, On Monday, I received an email from my attorneys legal secretary stating that my court date was next week. It was totally unexpected....well because I kinda forgot! LOL. At first I was freaking out because I am ACTUALLY changing my name. Like WOW. It's not that I don't want to do it....I just never thought my name would change. EVER. After a week to digest all of this information I'm feeling VERY excited!! This is really HUGE for my partner and I. It's our own little way to solidify our commitment with each other the best way we can in Texas. This is exciting!!!

Should we celebrate after? Should I wear a dress?

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