It gets kind of frustrating. The whole process is frustrating. I would consider myself a people person and someone who is easy to talk to. But everytime I attend one of these events I feel very guarded. I have no idea why! People always tell me I need to "sell" myself so I stand out so the other caseworkers remember me. I think that is just SUCH a crazy thing to do in this situation. I see other people do it.....and I just can't.
I don't ever think it will get easier and I am okay with that. Okay as in.....I get it. But it doesn't mean it will be any easier. It's an emotional roller coaster. And it won't ever stop being that until our adoption is final.
I LIVE for that day.
Inquiry update: we have been rejected on every inquiry I blogged about. As of right now we have no pending inquiries.
This week I did some email networking and sent a family profile I made to the caseworkers I had contact info on. It's a page long summary with a bunch of pictures of everyone in our immediate family. I did get one response....."you have a beautiful family!".
It was a bandaid to my heart :)
I think this post is different from all my others. I typically don't try to get in to all the emotional details on the blog but....that's what it's for right???? I just wanna be sad when I wanna be sad. Be pissed when I wanna be pissed.....and be happy when I can be happy. Fact is....I'm trying to adopt. So....I'm allowed to be able to feel different emotions and not feel bad about it. Right now: my mood is - going with the flow :).
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